Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171
Past Master's Jewel 1903
Obverse of Jewel
A superb silver and gold Compass and Square Past Master's suspended neck Jewel.
The Jewel comprises of a normal Compass and Square, which is silver, with a fixed "G", which is gold. The handle of the Square is engraved with four shamrocks.
The quality of this Jewel is excellent having been made by the famous Dublin goldsmiths Messrs West and Sons of Dublin.
The reverse of the Jewel bears the inscription :
"Presented to
Robert Brownlee P.M.
by the
Master, Wardens & Brethren
of Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171
6th Jany. 1903"
Under the inscription is impression "West & Son" with the hallmark for Dublin 1902 "G".
History of Duke of Clarence Lodge No.171, 1747 - to date.
Warrant No. 171 issued to `Duke of Clarence Lodge' in DUBLIN, on the 7th October, 1747.
Volume 1 of the extant Grand Lodge Registers record 260 brethren registered between 1757 and 27th December, 1806.
Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 was working in "Herbert's", Engine Alley, DUBLIN, 1780. (A.R. 1780)
As was the custom in Dublin the Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 used a Local Number in conjunction with its Warrant Number - until the custom ceased in 1802 the Lodge would have been referred to in any Dublin Lodge Minute as "Lodge No.19/171".
The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 used the following Local Numbers until 1802 -
No. 19 from 1750 to 1758.
No. 18 from 1759 to 1761.
No. 17 from 1762 to 1765.
No. 16 from 1766 to 1772.
No. 14 from 1772 to 1777.
No. 13 from 1777 to 1799.
No. 12 from 1799 to 1802.
A List of the Lodges, and the names of the Masters and Wardens who compose The Grand Lodge of Ireland, from the 24th June to the 27th December, 1793 -
"Local No. 13. Warrant No. 171. John Tench, Thomas Flanagan, William Ford' 43 Meath Street. Tuesdays."
A List of Lodges Erased from the Books of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Ordered to be printed November 5, 1801- Nos. 3... 171... 729
The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 was subsequently restored to the Register as we see Bro. John Scott, on behalf of the Lodge subscribed the sum of £10 to John Boardman, Esq. Treasurer to M.F.O.S. 1807.
Bros. John Scott, P.M. and D. Scott, J.W. of the Duke of Clarence Lodge each subscribed the sum of £1. 2s. 9d. [£1.131/2] to John Boardman Esq. Treasurer to the M.F.O.S., 1807.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting in No. 21, Coombe, DUBLIN, 1813.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting in "The Shamrock Tavern", Fleet Street, DUBLIN, 1816.
Bro. Kirk of the Duke of Clarence Lodge was a member of the Committee of the Grand Lodge appointed on the 2nd of June, 1819, to provide suitable furniture for the G.L. of Ireland.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting in Donnelly's, James's Gate, DUBLIN, 1821.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at "The Struggler", Cooke Street, DUBLIN, 1824.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Coffey's, Arran Quay, DUBLIN, 1824.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at FREEMASONS HALL, DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN, 1825.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Kearney's, Crow Street, DUBLIN, 1827.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Price's House, Barrack Gate, DUBLIN, 1829.
The Minutes of Grand Lodge dated 4th December 1834 show in regard to Lodge 171 -
"4 December, 1834 – Read the Application of the Past Masters of 171 namely, Brothers Thomas Fields, Edward Healy and James Stewart praying a Remission of Grand Lodge dues, Orphan School fees and Committee Checks, the Lodge not having met since 1829. Granted."
A List of the Masters and Wardens of all the Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons held in or near Dublin, from the 27th December, 1835 to the 24th June, 1836 was published in or about 1836 - the entry in regard to The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 shows -
"No. 171:- Second Tuesday in each month; at Mrs Price's, Park-gate Street. (Have neglected to return officers, and are omitted by order of the Grand Lodge)"
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 30th June, 1843 show concerning Warrant No. 171 -
"30 June, 1843 – Read a Memorial signed by Bro. Pat. Dillon, P.M. of Lodge 171 and other Brethren praying that the Warrant No. 171 which had been surrendered some years ago and all dues paid up might be re-issued to the applicants free of expense. Resolved that it be recommended that the prayer of this memorial be granted."
The Recommendation of The Board was followed, as is shown in the Grand Lodge Minutes of 6th July 1843 as "Confirmed".
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Joseph's Hotel, Northumberland Buildings, DUBLIN, 1844.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at the Northumberland Hotel, DUBLIN 1845.
Bro. M. Crossley P.M. of the Duke of Clarence Lodge was part of the Management Committee of the Freemasons' Widows' Fund and General Annuity Endowment Society, appointed in 1848.
A further 115 brethren registered up to 3rd December, 1850.
On the 4th June, 1852 Lodge No. 206 and The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 amalgamated under the Warrant of No. 171."
Then Wm. C. Forster (206) and John Jennings (206) registered 23rd June, 1852. Then follows a note regarding the amalgamation slightly out of place.
A further four brethren from Lodge No. 206 shown as registered still under the date of 23rd June, 1852.
A further 38 brethren registered up to 3rd May, 1859.
Warrant No. 171 was Removed to FREEMASONS HALL, MOLESWORTH STREET, DUBLIN in 1869, the year Freemasons Hall was opened.
Series three Vol. 7 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with four brethren shown as registered prior to 1st November, 1860 then a line across the page and registrations then commence with Richard Wm. Herbert Nash registered 18th December, 1860.
A total of 139 brethren registered up to 1st May, 1900. In most cases the dates when the degrees were conferred and the issue of certificates is shown.
Five members of The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 served in the 1914 -18 War and Bro. Lieut. W.A. Bermingham, R.I. Regt. made the supreme sacrifice.
Series four Vol. 13 of the extant Grand Lodge Registers shows a long list of brethren clearly transcribed, including their occupations, from the previous volume and a total of 120 brethren registered up to 1st May, 1923. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series five Vol. 18 shown as Vol. 2 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of William K. Pollock, Bank Official registered 3rd June, 1924.
A total of 54 brethren registered up to 2nd December, 1952. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series six Vol. 21 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of R.O.H., Salesman, registered 7th April, 1953.
A total of 116 brethren registered up to 1st February, 1983. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
The Register shows 29 brethren from Lodge No. 460 on the handing in of its Warrant, registered here 3rd January, 1984. A further 39 brethren all from Lodge No. 227 affiliated here on the same date again on the handing of Warrant No. 227.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 30th June 1843 show concerning The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 -
"9 February, 1984 – The Board noted with regret and report to Grand Lodge the decision of the members of Lodges No. 227 [Geraldine Lodge] and 460 [Phoenix] to hand in the Warrants of their Lodges on amalgamation with [Geraldine Lodge] No. 171, Dublin."
In 1984 Geraldine Lodge No. 227 and Phoenix Lodge No. 460 amalgamated with The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 and the combined Lodge under Warrant No. 171 took the title "Geraldine Lodge".
From 1984 the registration of members of Lodge 171 is held, in alphabetical order, in a computerised register by Grand Lodge, Freemasons’ Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.The Registration of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary of Lodges are held in separate Registers, the first Volume covering the period 1983 to 1994 inclusive and the second Volume covering from 1995 to date.
Volume 1 of the extant Grand Lodge Registers record 260 brethren registered between 1757 and 27th December, 1806.
Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 was working in "Herbert's", Engine Alley, DUBLIN, 1780. (A.R. 1780)
As was the custom in Dublin the Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 used a Local Number in conjunction with its Warrant Number - until the custom ceased in 1802 the Lodge would have been referred to in any Dublin Lodge Minute as "Lodge No.19/171".
The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 used the following Local Numbers until 1802 -
No. 19 from 1750 to 1758.
No. 18 from 1759 to 1761.
No. 17 from 1762 to 1765.
No. 16 from 1766 to 1772.
No. 14 from 1772 to 1777.
No. 13 from 1777 to 1799.
No. 12 from 1799 to 1802.
A List of the Lodges, and the names of the Masters and Wardens who compose The Grand Lodge of Ireland, from the 24th June to the 27th December, 1793 -
"Local No. 13. Warrant No. 171. John Tench, Thomas Flanagan, William Ford' 43 Meath Street. Tuesdays."
A List of Lodges Erased from the Books of the Grand Lodge of Ireland. Ordered to be printed November 5, 1801- Nos. 3... 171... 729
The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 was subsequently restored to the Register as we see Bro. John Scott, on behalf of the Lodge subscribed the sum of £10 to John Boardman, Esq. Treasurer to M.F.O.S. 1807.
Bros. John Scott, P.M. and D. Scott, J.W. of the Duke of Clarence Lodge each subscribed the sum of £1. 2s. 9d. [£1.131/2] to John Boardman Esq. Treasurer to the M.F.O.S., 1807.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting in No. 21, Coombe, DUBLIN, 1813.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting in "The Shamrock Tavern", Fleet Street, DUBLIN, 1816.
Bro. Kirk of the Duke of Clarence Lodge was a member of the Committee of the Grand Lodge appointed on the 2nd of June, 1819, to provide suitable furniture for the G.L. of Ireland.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting in Donnelly's, James's Gate, DUBLIN, 1821.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at "The Struggler", Cooke Street, DUBLIN, 1824.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Coffey's, Arran Quay, DUBLIN, 1824.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at FREEMASONS HALL, DAWSON STREET, DUBLIN, 1825.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Kearney's, Crow Street, DUBLIN, 1827.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Price's House, Barrack Gate, DUBLIN, 1829.
The Minutes of Grand Lodge dated 4th December 1834 show in regard to Lodge 171 -
"4 December, 1834 – Read the Application of the Past Masters of 171 namely, Brothers Thomas Fields, Edward Healy and James Stewart praying a Remission of Grand Lodge dues, Orphan School fees and Committee Checks, the Lodge not having met since 1829. Granted."
A List of the Masters and Wardens of all the Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons held in or near Dublin, from the 27th December, 1835 to the 24th June, 1836 was published in or about 1836 - the entry in regard to The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 shows -
"No. 171:- Second Tuesday in each month; at Mrs Price's, Park-gate Street. (Have neglected to return officers, and are omitted by order of the Grand Lodge)"
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 30th June, 1843 show concerning Warrant No. 171 -
"30 June, 1843 – Read a Memorial signed by Bro. Pat. Dillon, P.M. of Lodge 171 and other Brethren praying that the Warrant No. 171 which had been surrendered some years ago and all dues paid up might be re-issued to the applicants free of expense. Resolved that it be recommended that the prayer of this memorial be granted."
The Recommendation of The Board was followed, as is shown in the Grand Lodge Minutes of 6th July 1843 as "Confirmed".
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at Joseph's Hotel, Northumberland Buildings, DUBLIN, 1844.
Lodge No. 171 was meeting at the Northumberland Hotel, DUBLIN 1845.
Bro. M. Crossley P.M. of the Duke of Clarence Lodge was part of the Management Committee of the Freemasons' Widows' Fund and General Annuity Endowment Society, appointed in 1848.
A further 115 brethren registered up to 3rd December, 1850.
On the 4th June, 1852 Lodge No. 206 and The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 amalgamated under the Warrant of No. 171."
Then Wm. C. Forster (206) and John Jennings (206) registered 23rd June, 1852. Then follows a note regarding the amalgamation slightly out of place.
A further four brethren from Lodge No. 206 shown as registered still under the date of 23rd June, 1852.
A further 38 brethren registered up to 3rd May, 1859.
Warrant No. 171 was Removed to FREEMASONS HALL, MOLESWORTH STREET, DUBLIN in 1869, the year Freemasons Hall was opened.
Series three Vol. 7 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with four brethren shown as registered prior to 1st November, 1860 then a line across the page and registrations then commence with Richard Wm. Herbert Nash registered 18th December, 1860.
A total of 139 brethren registered up to 1st May, 1900. In most cases the dates when the degrees were conferred and the issue of certificates is shown.
Five members of The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 served in the 1914 -18 War and Bro. Lieut. W.A. Bermingham, R.I. Regt. made the supreme sacrifice.
Series four Vol. 13 of the extant Grand Lodge Registers shows a long list of brethren clearly transcribed, including their occupations, from the previous volume and a total of 120 brethren registered up to 1st May, 1923. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series five Vol. 18 shown as Vol. 2 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of William K. Pollock, Bank Official registered 3rd June, 1924.
A total of 54 brethren registered up to 2nd December, 1952. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series six Vol. 21 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of R.O.H., Salesman, registered 7th April, 1953.
A total of 116 brethren registered up to 1st February, 1983. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
The Register shows 29 brethren from Lodge No. 460 on the handing in of its Warrant, registered here 3rd January, 1984. A further 39 brethren all from Lodge No. 227 affiliated here on the same date again on the handing of Warrant No. 227.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 30th June 1843 show concerning The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 -
"9 February, 1984 – The Board noted with regret and report to Grand Lodge the decision of the members of Lodges No. 227 [Geraldine Lodge] and 460 [Phoenix] to hand in the Warrants of their Lodges on amalgamation with [Geraldine Lodge] No. 171, Dublin."
In 1984 Geraldine Lodge No. 227 and Phoenix Lodge No. 460 amalgamated with The Duke of Clarence Lodge No. 171 and the combined Lodge under Warrant No. 171 took the title "Geraldine Lodge".
From 1984 the registration of members of Lodge 171 is held, in alphabetical order, in a computerised register by Grand Lodge, Freemasons’ Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.The Registration of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary of Lodges are held in separate Registers, the first Volume covering the period 1983 to 1994 inclusive and the second Volume covering from 1995 to date.
Details of when Geraldine [formerly Duke of Clarence] Lodge no. 171 meets.
Geraldine Lodge no. 171 meets on the 1st Tues. at 7.30p.m. ; 6.30p.m. in 3 (except 6,7 & 8) at Freemasons’ hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2.