History of Irish Freemasonry
The Grand Lodge of Ireland is the second oldest Grand Lodge in the world and as you will see from below 1725 is celebrated as its foundation year. Unfortunately the exact date of the foundation of the Grand Lodge is not known. However, there is considerable evidence that there were Masonic Lodges meeting in Ireland prior to the eighteenth century.
The sub-categories in this section deal with certain matters that clearly show that Freemasonry was a part of Irish society long before 1725 and you should pay particular regard to "The Trinity Tripos 1688" section which refers to Freemasonry almost in passing and it clear that the Freemasonry described therein is "Speculative" in nature.
The subject matter of the sub-categories is set out chronologically commencing with "A Brief History of the Grand Lodge", followed the famous "Baal's Bridge Square" of 1507. Whereas the Square was most likely placed by an operative Mason at Baal's Bridge in Limerick, it clearly shows the relationship between "Operative" and "Speculative" Masons.
To access each sub-category "click" on the relevant image below.
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