R.W.Bro. G.P. Pierce,
Second Provincial Grand Master of New Zealand, Irish Constitution.
R.W.Bro. George Patrick Pierce, for many years well known and greatly respected as the General Manager of the New Zealand Fire Insurance Company, was born at Plymouth, on the 21st of June, 1825, and died at Auckland on the 17th of May, 1891, deeply regretted by all classes of the community. He was a son of the late Captain Pierce, R.N. Mr. Pierce placed a memorial window in St. Sepulchre's Church in remembrance of his father and mother. While he was a lad his parents removed to Ireland, whither he accompanied them. Subsequently he was connected with the firm of Messrs Smith, Elder and Co., of London. About thirty-five years ago he arrived in Auckland and became a member of the firm of Messrs Bain, Pierce and Co., trading for a considerable period in Auckland. He retired from the connection, however, and became first local and then general manager of the New Zealand Insurance Company, and occupied both positions with conspicuous ability and success. From his first arrival in Auckland he identified himself with church work, and gained the respect and esteem of the Bishop of New Zealand.
R.W.Bro. G.P. Pierce,
Second Provincial Grand Master of New Zealand, Irish Constitution. |
In 1865 he joined with four other gentlemen in building old St. Sepulchre's church, under the direction of Bishop Selwyn. From that date until his death he filled various church offices; as vestryman or churchwarden of St. Sepulchre's, Diocesan Nominator, Diocesan Trustee, and member of the Diocesan and of the General Synod. He was also one of the assessors of the Bishop's Court, and for many years secretary of the Orphan Home, Parnell, founded by Archdeacon Lloyd. Mr. Pierce was not only a veteran Freemason, but one of the most distinguished members of the craft in the Colony. ‘He was a member and subsequently worshipful master of the Ara Lodge, I.C., from the early days up to his death. On the retirement with the troops from New Zealand of Most Worshipful Brother De Burgh Adams, the first Provincial Grand Master of the Irish Constitution of Freemasonry, the choice fell upon Bro. Pierce, as his successor; and by his suavity and courtesy, combined with firmness, strict justice and impartiality, Mr. Pierce gained the love and esteem of every Mason belonging to the various constitutions.
A Mason he lived and a Mason he died, and his funeral was attended by the members of the English, Scotch and New Zealand Constitutions, who paid their last tribute of respect to their deceased Brother at the Purewa Cemetery, and the occasion was marked by a most eloquent funeral oration delivered by the Grand Chaplain, the Rev. D. Kidd. Mr. Pierce was twice married, and his eldest surviving son by the first marriage, Mr. George Nelson Pierce, was the manager of the New Zealand Insurance Company at Auckland.
A Mason he lived and a Mason he died, and his funeral was attended by the members of the English, Scotch and New Zealand Constitutions, who paid their last tribute of respect to their deceased Brother at the Purewa Cemetery, and the occasion was marked by a most eloquent funeral oration delivered by the Grand Chaplain, the Rev. D. Kidd. Mr. Pierce was twice married, and his eldest surviving son by the first marriage, Mr. George Nelson Pierce, was the manager of the New Zealand Insurance Company at Auckland.