St. John’s Lodge No. 121
Past Master’s Jewel 1944
Obverse of Jewel
Silver Past Master's Jewel suspended from a sky blue ribbon by two silver bars.
The Jewel appears to have been supplied by "J.L. Boyle, Market Square, Lisburn."
Short History of Warrant No. 121.
There is no record of the issue of Warrant No. 121 in the Grand Lodge Register, but Warrant No. 121 probably issued either on the 12th April, 1740 or on the 8th May, 1741.
Warrant No. 121 was erased on the 5th November, 1801.
[The above represents the barest of facts relating to Warrant No. 121 before same reissued to St. John's Lodge No. 121 - the IRISH MASONIC RECORDS cd-rom gives a very full account of the Lodges who held Warrant No. 121 for the years set out above]
Warrant No. 121 was erased on the 5th November, 1801.
[The above represents the barest of facts relating to Warrant No. 121 before same reissued to St. John's Lodge No. 121 - the IRISH MASONIC RECORDS cd-rom gives a very full account of the Lodges who held Warrant No. 121 for the years set out above]
History of St. John's Lodge No. 121.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge dated the 2nd December, 1813 show concerning Warrant No. 121 -
"2 December, 1813 – Read a Memorial from Brs. Wm. Stewart, Richd. Mussen and Mal. McCreedy of 811, praying a Warrant to hold a Lodge in Ballymullan, Co. Down. Granted. [121]"
Warrant No. 121 reissued to Wm. Stewart, Senr., Richd. Mussen and Mat McCreedy to form a lodge in BALLYMULLAN, Lisburn, County Antrim on the 6th January, 1814.
Second Series of the Grand Lodge Register shows the above brethren registered on the 6th January 1814. No indication as to Master or Wardens.
On the 5th February, 1816 four brethren from Lodge 811 were registered followed by two more, on the 10th April, 1816, six more on the 22nd April, 1818 and twelve more on the 30th December, 1818. Thereafter only a few Lodge numbers recorded.
Belfast News Letter ~ 28th June, 1825.
We the Masters, Wardens & Brethren of the following Masonic Lodges to wit. Nos. 24, 98, 112, 120, 121, 135, 154, 159, 178, 186, 188, 191, 214, 314, 335, 404, 418, 427, 429, 565, 602, 606, 608, 629, 652, 659, 682, 683, 783, 811, 974 & 978, return our most sincere thanks to the Rev. A Craig, for his excellent preached to us in the Presbyterian Meeting House of Lisburn on the 24th inst. being the Anniversary of St. John.
Robert Rooney, Master of No. 121
George Willson, Master of No. 154
Hugh Mackay, Master of No. 178"
A total of 106 brethren recorded up to the 28th May, 1857.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 3rd February, 1862 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121, 247, 314, 978 - 3 February, 1862 – Read letter from R.W. Bro. Wm. J. Tracy, D.P.G.M. of Belfast and North Down forwarding a Statement from R.W. Bro. Carruthers, P.G. Secretary that Bro. David Briggs, W.M. and all the Lodge No. 314 Mealough, with all the Insignia of Masonry except the Warrant were in the procession to The Temple on 24th June, last, also that Lodges 121 Ballymullan and 247 The Temple Madderow and 978 Ballylesson were in the same procession but without their Warrants.
The Board recommend that Lodge 247 be suspended and that Nos. 121, 314 and 978 be called upon to show cause against suspension for taking part on the procession. G.L.M. 6 February, 1862. Agreed to."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 31st March, 1862 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121- 31 March, 1862 – Lodge 121 having admitted their error and promised not to offend again and prayed G.L. to deal leniently with them, the Board recommend that they be reprimanded and informed that a repetition of the offence will be visited by suspension and withdrawal of the Warrant."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge dated the 3rd April, 1862 show concerning Lodge No. 121 - "Agreed to"
The Minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 29th August, 1864 show concerning Lodge No. 121-
"Lodge 121, 133 and 860 - 29 August, 1864 – No reply having been received from Lodges No. 121 Ballymullan; 133 Comber and 860 Ballyrobin to whom further time had been granted to settle with the P.G. Lodge of Belfast and N. Down. The Board recommend that these Lodges be Suspended."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 28th September, 1868 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121- 28 September, 1868 – Read letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary of Antrim enclosing a resolution of the P.G.L. as to the restoration of the Warrant of Lodge 121, Ballymullan. The Board recommend that the Warrant be restored, on the payment of all arrears."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 28th February, 1887 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121 - 28 February, 1887 - Read communication from the Secretary of Lodge 121 Ballymullan Requesting the sanction of the Board for their removing to Castle Street, Lisburn where the meetings of Lodge 811 are held. The removal sanctioned by the Prov. Gd. Lodge of Down. Lodge 121 having been considered as heretofore in the Province of Down the sanction of the Prov. Gd. Lodge of Antrim will be necessary under Rule 92 before the Lodge can be transferred to that Province.
4th April 1887 - ...... the removal of Lodges 121 Ballymullan and 356 Maze were at the request of the Prov. Grand Lodge postponed.
30th May 1887 - Read letter from P.G. Sec. As to Lodge 121 which had applied to be allowed to remove to Lisburn and to be placed under the P.G.L. of Antrim and reporting that such permission had been granted. To be informed that approval of such changes must be obtained from the P.G.M. of Down in which Province the Lodge has heretofore met before it can be approved of by the Board.
The Board directs the Dep. Gd. Ldg. To apply to BOTH Provincial Gd. Lodges as to the desirability of all Lodges meeting in Lisburn, being placed as in the Antrim Province."
The Minutes of the G.L. Board of G.P. dated 28th February 1887 show in regard to Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121 - 28 February, 1887 – Read a Communication from the Secretary of Lodge 121 Ballymullan requesting the sanction of the Board for their removing to Castle Street, Lisburn where the meetings of Lodge 811 are held. The removal sanctioned by the P.G.L. of Down."
Transferred to the Masonic Province of Antrim in 1888.
From the Minutes of the G.L. Board of G.P.
"Lodge 121 - 30 October, 1893 – Read application from Lodge 121 Lisburn for the issue of a duplicate Warrant the original having been injured by fire during the burning of the Masonic Hall in Lisburn. To be issued free of charge."
Duplicate of Warrant No. 121 issued to Saml. Fullerton, Edwd. Evans and William Taylor on the 31st October, 1893 the original been injured by fire in the Masonic Hall, Lisburn.
Series three Vol. 6 of the extant Grand Lodge Register recommences with John Hall, registered on the 24th October, 1893.
A further 30 brethren registered up to the 12th June, 1900. In most cases the dates when the degrees were conferred and the issue of certificates is shown.
Belfast News Letter ~ 3rd October, 1902.
"Masonic Bazaar in Lisburn.
Opening Proceedings.
"The members of two important Masonic Lodges in Lisburn [Nos. 121 & 811] are now engaged in an energetic effort to remove a fairly considerable debt existing on their hall, and in order to add to the funds required for the purpose, they have organised in the Cathedral School-house what promises to be a most successful bazaar...."
The reference goes on to describe the bazaar at length.
Four members of St. John's Lodge No. 121 served in the 1914 -18 War and all returned.
A total of 203 brethren registered up to the 12th June, 1923. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series five Vol. 17 shown as Vol. 1 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of William J. McAtee, Fitter RUC registered on the 11th March, 1924.
A total of 118 brethren registered up to the 11th March 1952. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series six Vol. 21 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of Norman McMullan, Electrician, registered on the 9th January 1953.
A total of 104 brethren registered up to the 13th March, 1984. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
From 1984 the registration of members of St. John’s Lodge No. 121 is held, in alphabetical order, in a computerised register by Grand Lodge, Freemasons’ Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. The Registration of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary of Lodges are held in separate Registers, the first Volume covering the period 1983 to 1994 inclusive and the second Volume covering from 1995 to date.
"2 December, 1813 – Read a Memorial from Brs. Wm. Stewart, Richd. Mussen and Mal. McCreedy of 811, praying a Warrant to hold a Lodge in Ballymullan, Co. Down. Granted. [121]"
Warrant No. 121 reissued to Wm. Stewart, Senr., Richd. Mussen and Mat McCreedy to form a lodge in BALLYMULLAN, Lisburn, County Antrim on the 6th January, 1814.
Second Series of the Grand Lodge Register shows the above brethren registered on the 6th January 1814. No indication as to Master or Wardens.
On the 5th February, 1816 four brethren from Lodge 811 were registered followed by two more, on the 10th April, 1816, six more on the 22nd April, 1818 and twelve more on the 30th December, 1818. Thereafter only a few Lodge numbers recorded.
Belfast News Letter ~ 28th June, 1825.
We the Masters, Wardens & Brethren of the following Masonic Lodges to wit. Nos. 24, 98, 112, 120, 121, 135, 154, 159, 178, 186, 188, 191, 214, 314, 335, 404, 418, 427, 429, 565, 602, 606, 608, 629, 652, 659, 682, 683, 783, 811, 974 & 978, return our most sincere thanks to the Rev. A Craig, for his excellent preached to us in the Presbyterian Meeting House of Lisburn on the 24th inst. being the Anniversary of St. John.
Robert Rooney, Master of No. 121
George Willson, Master of No. 154
Hugh Mackay, Master of No. 178"
A total of 106 brethren recorded up to the 28th May, 1857.
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 3rd February, 1862 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121, 247, 314, 978 - 3 February, 1862 – Read letter from R.W. Bro. Wm. J. Tracy, D.P.G.M. of Belfast and North Down forwarding a Statement from R.W. Bro. Carruthers, P.G. Secretary that Bro. David Briggs, W.M. and all the Lodge No. 314 Mealough, with all the Insignia of Masonry except the Warrant were in the procession to The Temple on 24th June, last, also that Lodges 121 Ballymullan and 247 The Temple Madderow and 978 Ballylesson were in the same procession but without their Warrants.
The Board recommend that Lodge 247 be suspended and that Nos. 121, 314 and 978 be called upon to show cause against suspension for taking part on the procession. G.L.M. 6 February, 1862. Agreed to."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 31st March, 1862 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121- 31 March, 1862 – Lodge 121 having admitted their error and promised not to offend again and prayed G.L. to deal leniently with them, the Board recommend that they be reprimanded and informed that a repetition of the offence will be visited by suspension and withdrawal of the Warrant."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge dated the 3rd April, 1862 show concerning Lodge No. 121 - "Agreed to"
The Minutes of the Provincial Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated 29th August, 1864 show concerning Lodge No. 121-
"Lodge 121, 133 and 860 - 29 August, 1864 – No reply having been received from Lodges No. 121 Ballymullan; 133 Comber and 860 Ballyrobin to whom further time had been granted to settle with the P.G. Lodge of Belfast and N. Down. The Board recommend that these Lodges be Suspended."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 28th September, 1868 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121- 28 September, 1868 – Read letter from the Provincial Grand Secretary of Antrim enclosing a resolution of the P.G.L. as to the restoration of the Warrant of Lodge 121, Ballymullan. The Board recommend that the Warrant be restored, on the payment of all arrears."
The Minutes of the Grand Lodge Board of General Purposes dated the 28th February, 1887 show concerning Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121 - 28 February, 1887 - Read communication from the Secretary of Lodge 121 Ballymullan Requesting the sanction of the Board for their removing to Castle Street, Lisburn where the meetings of Lodge 811 are held. The removal sanctioned by the Prov. Gd. Lodge of Down. Lodge 121 having been considered as heretofore in the Province of Down the sanction of the Prov. Gd. Lodge of Antrim will be necessary under Rule 92 before the Lodge can be transferred to that Province.
4th April 1887 - ...... the removal of Lodges 121 Ballymullan and 356 Maze were at the request of the Prov. Grand Lodge postponed.
30th May 1887 - Read letter from P.G. Sec. As to Lodge 121 which had applied to be allowed to remove to Lisburn and to be placed under the P.G.L. of Antrim and reporting that such permission had been granted. To be informed that approval of such changes must be obtained from the P.G.M. of Down in which Province the Lodge has heretofore met before it can be approved of by the Board.
The Board directs the Dep. Gd. Ldg. To apply to BOTH Provincial Gd. Lodges as to the desirability of all Lodges meeting in Lisburn, being placed as in the Antrim Province."
The Minutes of the G.L. Board of G.P. dated 28th February 1887 show in regard to Lodge No. 121 -
"Lodge 121 - 28 February, 1887 – Read a Communication from the Secretary of Lodge 121 Ballymullan requesting the sanction of the Board for their removing to Castle Street, Lisburn where the meetings of Lodge 811 are held. The removal sanctioned by the P.G.L. of Down."
Transferred to the Masonic Province of Antrim in 1888.
From the Minutes of the G.L. Board of G.P.
"Lodge 121 - 30 October, 1893 – Read application from Lodge 121 Lisburn for the issue of a duplicate Warrant the original having been injured by fire during the burning of the Masonic Hall in Lisburn. To be issued free of charge."
Duplicate of Warrant No. 121 issued to Saml. Fullerton, Edwd. Evans and William Taylor on the 31st October, 1893 the original been injured by fire in the Masonic Hall, Lisburn.
Series three Vol. 6 of the extant Grand Lodge Register recommences with John Hall, registered on the 24th October, 1893.
A further 30 brethren registered up to the 12th June, 1900. In most cases the dates when the degrees were conferred and the issue of certificates is shown.
Belfast News Letter ~ 3rd October, 1902.
"Masonic Bazaar in Lisburn.
Opening Proceedings.
"The members of two important Masonic Lodges in Lisburn [Nos. 121 & 811] are now engaged in an energetic effort to remove a fairly considerable debt existing on their hall, and in order to add to the funds required for the purpose, they have organised in the Cathedral School-house what promises to be a most successful bazaar...."
The reference goes on to describe the bazaar at length.
Four members of St. John's Lodge No. 121 served in the 1914 -18 War and all returned.
A total of 203 brethren registered up to the 12th June, 1923. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series five Vol. 17 shown as Vol. 1 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of William J. McAtee, Fitter RUC registered on the 11th March, 1924.
A total of 118 brethren registered up to the 11th March 1952. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
Series six Vol. 21 of the extant Grand Lodge Register commences with the registration of Norman McMullan, Electrician, registered on the 9th January 1953.
A total of 104 brethren registered up to the 13th March, 1984. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
From 1984 the registration of members of St. John’s Lodge No. 121 is held, in alphabetical order, in a computerised register by Grand Lodge, Freemasons’ Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. The Registration of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary of Lodges are held in separate Registers, the first Volume covering the period 1983 to 1994 inclusive and the second Volume covering from 1995 to date.
Details of when St. John's Lodge No. 121 meets.
St. John's Lodge No. 121 meets on the 2nd 8.00p.m. (EXCEPT 7 & 8) at the Lisburn Masonic Centre, Belsize Road, Lisburn, County Antrim.