Wellington Lodge No. 82
Past Master's Jewel 1944
Obverse of Jewel
A very nice example of a fret cut Past Master's Jewel.
The Jewel is suspended from three 9ct gold bars and a sky blue ribbon.
The Jewel is suspended from three 9ct gold bars and a sky blue ribbon.
History Warrant No. 82.
There is no record of the issue of Warrant No. 82 in the Grand Lodge Register but probably issued either in December 1737 or May 1738.
Warrant No. 82 was erased on the 5th November, 1801.
Warrant No. 82 reissued to Daniel Burns, Jas. McCabe and John McCluskey to form `The Tradesman's Body' or `Murnaghan's Lodge' in Drumnahare, Loughbrickland, County Down, on 7th June, 1810.
[As is seen from above the Lodge was also commonly called "Murnaghan's Lodge" in consequence of a number of individuals of that name being members.]
Warrant No. 82 was removed to Loughbrickland, County Down, in 1814.
Warrant No. 82 was suspended by Grand Lodge on 30th June, 1836 and restored again on 4th August of the same year.
Warrant No. 82 was removed to Gilford on the 14th May, 1842.
Warrant No. 82 was erased on the 5th November, 1801.
Warrant No. 82 reissued to Daniel Burns, Jas. McCabe and John McCluskey to form `The Tradesman's Body' or `Murnaghan's Lodge' in Drumnahare, Loughbrickland, County Down, on 7th June, 1810.
[As is seen from above the Lodge was also commonly called "Murnaghan's Lodge" in consequence of a number of individuals of that name being members.]
Warrant No. 82 was removed to Loughbrickland, County Down, in 1814.
Warrant No. 82 was suspended by Grand Lodge on 30th June, 1836 and restored again on 4th August of the same year.
Warrant No. 82 was removed to Gilford on the 14th May, 1842.
History of Wellington Lodge No. 82, 1843 - to date.
The following year Grand Lodge approved on 12th July, 1843 the removal of Warrant No. 82 to Tandragee, County Armagh as ‘Wellington Lodge.’ The Lodge is named in honour of The Duke of Wellington.
Arthur, Duke of Wellington.
It was brought to Tandragee by Mr. James Searight; (brother in law of Mr. E.D. Atkinson and Mr. R.B. Hardy), John Hill of Gilford; and George Fennell.
Whilst at Tandragee a total of 26 brethren were registered and Warrant No. 82 flourished as “The Wellington Lodge,” up to 1857.
It became socially the leading Lodge in the district and included members such as Lord Robert Montagu, brother of the 7th Duke of Manchester [see reproduction of letter of application to join Lodge at [footnote]]
Lord Robert Montagu, PC, (24th January, 1825 - 6th May, 1902), was a British Conservative politician. He served as Vice-President of the Committee on Education between 1867 and 1868. Montagu was born at Melchbourne, Bedfordshire, the second son of George Montagu, 6th Duke of Manchester by his first wife Millicent, daughter of Robert Bernard Sparrow. Willliam Montagu, 7th Duke of Manchester, was his elder brother. He was educated at Trinity College, Cambridge, and graduated as a M.A. in 1849. Montagu sat as Member of Parliament for Huntingdonshire from 1859 to 1874 and for westmeath from February 1874 until he retired in 1880. |
Lord Robert Montagu
As a result of the efforts of Bro. David Hutchingson, who was initiated in the Lodge when in Tandragee, Warrant No. 82 was removed to Portadown, County Armagh
The Minutes of The Grand Lodge of General Purposes dated 4th May 1854 show -
"4 May 1854 – Read a Memorial from Lodge No. 82 Tandragee Co. Armagh for permission to remove to Portadown, same County, the principal Members of the Lodge residing in or near the latter town. The Board recommend that permission be granted to Memorialists to remove to Portadown as requested. Agreed to."
The Lodge used to meet in Mrs. Shepherds, "The Manchester Arms"
Warrant No. 19 was sent in, in trust, by Bro. Jo. Seawright on 25th November, 1858. [Bro. J. Seawright registered 29th December 1843.]
From the Minutes of the P.G. Board of G.P. dated 2nd May 1864 re; Lodge 82
"2 May, 1864 – Read a Memorial for the return of Warrant No. 82 Portadown, it having been sent in, in Trust in 1858. A Cheque for £2. 5s. 0d., arrears of dues transmitted. Memorialists promised to work the Lodge regularly.The Board recommend that the Warrant be returned to them."
Warrant No. 82 was reissued in accordance with a Grand Lodge Order dated 5th May 1864.
William Montgomery (134); Arthur Thornton (219) and John Henry Farroll (219) registered along with six others, 24 June, 1864.
A total of 142 brethren registered up to 11 September, 1900. In most cases the dates are recorded when the various degrees were conferred.
Wellington Lodge was represented at the "Laying of the Foundation Stone" on the 24th June 1868 of the New Masonic Hall, Belfast.[NT. 27 June, 1868]
From the Minutes of the G.L. Board of G.P. dated 2nd October 1893 re: Lodge(s) 79, 65, 82, 219, 231-
"2 October, 1893 – Read applications from Lodge 79 for permission to meet in Newry. From 65 for leave to meet in new premises in Granard and from Lodge(s) 82, 219 and 231 for leave to meet in new premises in Portadown."
"2 October, 1893 – Read applications from Lodge 79 for permission to meet in Newry. From 65 for leave to meet in new premises in Granard and from Lodge(s) 82, 219 and 231 for leave to meet in new premises in Portadown."
Portadown Masonic Hall
The P.G. Secretaries having reported favourably of the changes they were approved by the Board.
Wellington Lodge No. 82 was represented at the Memorial Service conducted, 10th October, 1910 by the Lord Primate, in memory of Dr. F.C. Crossle.
Twenty members of Wellington Lodge No. 82 served in the 1914 -18 War and all returned.
A total of 204 brethren registered up to 22th October, 1923. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother..
A total of 120 brethren registered up to 11th November, 1952. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
A total of 113 brethren registered up to 10th April 1984. In most cases the dates when the issue of certificates is shown, together with the occupation of the brother.
From 1984 the registration of members is held, in alphabetical order, in a computerised register by Grand Lodge, Freemasons’ Hall, 17 Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. The Registration of the Worshipful Master, Wardens and Secretary of Lodges are held in separate Registers, the first Volume covering the period 1983 to 1994 inclusive and the second Volume covering from 1995 to date.
"August, 1845, Tandragee.
To the Worshipful Master, Wardens, and Brethren of Wellington Masonic Lodge, No. 82
As I am most anxious to become a Member of your very ancient and honorable society, and be initiated in the mysteries of Freemasonry - I request you will permit Charles A. Creery Esq., to propose me on your next night of meeting as a Candidate for that honor in your Lodge.
I am Gentlemen, your obedient servant,
Robt. Montagu.[Lord]
Tandragee Castle, August, 1845."
Details of when Wellington Lodge No. 82 meets.
Wellington Lodge No. 82 meets on the 2nd Tuesday at 8.00p.m. (EXCEPT 6,7 & 8) AT Portadown, County Down.